
ett svenskt politiskt parti som vill avkriminalisera pirat­kopiering och skydda medborgarna mot övervakning. – Pirat­­partiet grundades i januari 2006. Det fick 0,63 procent av rösterna i riks­dags­­valet 2006, 0,65 procent 2010, 0,43 procent vid valet 2014 och 0,11 procent i valet 2019. Partiet var från 2009 represen­terat i Europaparlamentet, men åkte ut 2014. Det har inspi­re­rat till pirat­­partier i andra länder, bland annat det tyska Piraten­partei (länk), som har varit framgångsrikt i del­stats­valen. Isländska Píratar (länk) var enligt en opinionsmätning i oktober 2015 Islands största parti med 34 procent av väljarna, men i alltingsvalet 2017 fick partiet 9,2 procent av rösterna. – Se piratpartiet.se.

– In English: Piratpartiet, the Pirate Party, is a Swedish political party working for the decriminalization of the copying of copyrighted content and for the protection of citizens against surveillance. The party was founded in January, 2006. It got .63, .65 and .43 percent of the vote in the Swedish parliamentary elections in 2006, 2010 and 2014 respectively, in 2019 .11 percent. That’s below the 4 percent threshold for representation in parliament in Sweden. – However, between 2009 and 2014, Piratpartiet was represented in the European Parliament. Piratpartiet has inspired the formation of pirate parties in several countries, notably the German Piratenpartei, which has met with some success in state elections. Iceland’s Píratar was, according to a poll in October 2015, Iceland’s biggest political party with 34 percent of the votes, but in the 2017 parliamentary elections on Iceland, it got only 9.2 percent of the votes. – For more summaries in English, please click at this link.

[pirat] [politik] [ändrad 5 juli 2019]