Ordlistan A–Ö | Computer Swedens ordlista
- P
- P-bild ⇢
- p-card ⇢
- P-frame ⇢
- p-hacking
- P=NP?
- p0wn ⇢
- P27
- P2P ⇢
- P2P-radio
- P2V
- P3
- P3P
- PaaS ⇢
- PABX ⇢
- Pachube ⇢
- packa upp
- packet ⇢
- packet mangling ⇢
- packet switching ⇢
- packet wanker
- PACS ⇢
- pad
- padda
- paddagogik
- paddnacke
- paddpejling
- PAE ⇢
- page
- page body ⇢
- page impression ⇢
- page view ⇢
- pagejacking
- Pagemaker
- pager
- PageRange
- PageRank
- paginering
- påhakande datavirus
- paid content ⇢
- paid inclusion ⇢
- paid placement ⇢
- paintmonkey
- paired storage
- pairing ⇢
- paj ⇢
- pajamahedeen
- paket
- paketfiltrering
- paketförmedlande
- pakethanterare
- paketmodifiering
- pålägg
- Palladium
- Palm
- Palm OS
- Palm Pre
- palm recognition ⇢
- palmOne
- PalmSecure
- PalmSource
- Palo Alto
- påloggning ⇢
- PAM ⇢
- Pan European game information
- Panamadokumenten
- Panda ⇢
- Pandoradokumenten
- panel
- Pango
- panoptic
- panoramafrihet
- Panther
- Paper phone
- papercut
- paperless trail
- Pappas Appar
- papperskorg
- pappersmyntfot
- par level ⇢
- para ihop ⇢
- paracopyright
- Paradisdokumenten
- Paradise papers ⇢
- paragraph sign ⇢
- parallaxskrollning
- parallel processing ⇢
- parallell
- Parallella
- parallellism
- parameter
- ParAnoIA
- parasit
- parasocial
- paravirtualisering
- parental control
- Paretoprincipen
- Parker, Philip M
- parkoppling
- Parlay Group
- parse ⇢
- parser
- parsing ⇢
- parsning
- partition
- partnerbaserad ⇢
- partnerprogram
- Partnership on AI
- partvinnad kabel
- PASC ⇢
- påse med ord
- påskägg
- passenger name record
- passface
- passiv biometri
- passiv matris
- passiv telefonering
- passivt optiskt nätverk
- passkey ⇢
- passphrase ⇢
- Passpoint ⇢
- Passport ⇢
- password ⇢
- password fatigue
- password hash ⇢
- password rotation ⇢
- password strength ⇢
- password trap ⇢
- paste
- paste-site
- paster
- patch
- patch management
- Patch Tuesday
- patcha ⇢
- patchmaster
- patchwriting
- patent
- patent assertion entity ⇢
- patenttroll
- patientbana
- patientdatalagen
- Patterson, David
- Pause Break
- pay radio ⇢
- pay-as-you-go
- pay-per-view ⇢
- Payair
- payee
- payload ⇢
- payment initiation ⇢
- payment query
- payment service provider ⇢
- PayPal
- PayPal Here
- Paypass ⇢
- payroll card
- paywall ⇢
- PB ⇢
- PBX ⇢
- PC
- pc bang
- PC card ⇢
- PC-kort
- PC-platta ⇢
- PCB ⇢
- PCI Express
- PCIe ⇢
- PCLinuxOS
- PCM Upstream
- PDA ⇢
- pdb
- PDM ⇢
- PDS ⇢
- PDT ⇢
- PDU ⇢
- Peace ⇢
- Peace_of_mind
- Peach
- Peak
- Peanut butter manifesto
- peanut-buttering
- Pebble
- peek
- peep culture ⇢
- Peeple
- peer
- peer-to-peer
- peercoin
- peering
- Pegasus
- Peggy ⇢
- PEGI ⇢
- peka
- peka och klicka
- pekare
- pekdator
- pekdon
- pekpenna ⇢
- pekplatta ⇢
- pekpunkt
- pekskärm
- pekskrollning
- pen computer ⇢
- penetrationstestning
- penguinhead ⇢
- penna
- penndator
- PenPoint
- Pensa
- Pentagondokumenten
- pentalobe
- pentest ⇢
- pentestare ⇢
- People’s code
- peppar
- pepper ⇢
- Peppermint
- per item purchase ⇢
- per-hop behavior
- PERA ⇢
- perceptron
- percussive maintenance
- performance ⇢
- perimeter
- peripheral
- periskopobjektiv
- Perl
- Perlman, Radia
- permalänk
- permalink ⇢
- permission ⇢
- perpendicular recording ⇢
- persistent
- persistent cookie ⇢
- persistent identifikator
- persona
- personal computer
- personal data store
- personal informatics ⇢
- personal information management
- personal locator beacon
- personal privacy device ⇢
- personal video recorder ⇢
- personalisering
- Personalized print markup language
- personally identifiable information ⇢
- persondata ⇢
- persondator
- personlig digital assistent
- personlig e-legitimation
- personlig integritet
- personligt tryck ⇢
- personuppgift
- personuppgiftsansvarig
- personuppgiftsbiträde
- Personuppgiftsförordningen
- Personuppgiftslagen
- personuppgiftsombud ⇢
- Perspective
- perturbation
- pervasive computing
- pervasive technology
- peta
- petabyte
- petaflops
- petahertz
- petro
- PETs ⇢
- petskydd
- Petya
- PGPP ⇢
- PhaaS ⇢
- phablet
- phantom load
- Phantom OS
- phantom vibration ⇢
- pharming
- phase change memory ⇢
- phase-gate process ⇢
- PHB test
- phile
- Phineas Fisher
- phishing ⇢
- phishing-as-a-service
- phlashing
- phlog
- phone bank
- phone binning ⇢
- phone fishing
- phone home
- phone screwing
- phone stack
- phone tree ⇢
- phonejacking
- PhoneSweep
- phool
- Phorm
- photo forensics ⇢
- photonics ⇢
- phrase ⇢
- phreaking
- Phree
- phubbing
- PHY ⇢
- physible
- physical ⇢
- physical layer ⇢
- Physical web
- pica
- pick list ⇢
- pickling
- pico ⇢
- pico projector ⇢
- pico-ITX
- picocell ⇢
- picoprocess ⇢
- PICS ⇢
- picture archiving and communication system
- Pidora
- Pie
- piezoelektricitet
- pig butchering
- pigeonhole principle ⇢
- piggyback
- PII ⇢
- piko
- pikobasstation
- pikoprocess ⇢
- pikoprojektor
- pilcrow ⇢
- pile-on
- PIM ⇢
- pimpa
- pin compatibility ⇢
- PIN2
- pinball pattern
- pinch ⇢
- Pindex
- Pine64
- Ping
- pingback
- pingdemic
- pingserver
- pingvinhuvud
- pink
- pink content
- pinyin
- Pioneer Award
- pipa
- piped link ⇢
- Piper
- PIR ⇢
- pira
- piracy ⇢
- pirat
- piratbibliotek
- Piratbyrån
- Pirate Bay
- pirate recording ⇢
- PirateBox
- PirateBrowser
- piratkopiering
- piratkopiering över nätet
- piratlänk
- Piratpartiet
- piratströmning
- piratutgåva
- pitch
- PIU ⇢
- pivå ⇢
- pivåtabell
- pivot
- pivot year ⇢
- pivotering
- pivoting table ⇢
- Pixar
- pixel
- pixel adressability
- pixel counting
- pixel shim
- pixeldjup
- pixelering ⇢
- pixelmätning
- pixelmått
- pixeltagg ⇢
- pixlad
- Pizzagate
- PKB ⇢
- PKI ⇢
- PL-flott
- place-based awareness
- placement
- Placemeter
- placeshifting
- plain text ⇢
- plaintext ⇢
- plan
- Plan 9
- plan file
- Plan S ⇢
- plånboksandel
- planerad föråldring
- Planet of the apps
- PlanetLab
- plankning
- planned obsolescence ⇢
- plasmaskärm
- Plastic Logic
- Platform for internet content selection
- platform-as-a-service
- platooning ⇢
- platsbaserad accesskontroll
- platsbaserad tjänst
- platshållare
- platsinstallerad
- platsinställning
- platt fil ⇢
- platta
- plattform
- plattformsföretag
- plattformsoberoende
- Play
- playback
- Playbook
- player
- playfunktion
- Playpen
- PlaysForSure
- PlayStation
- PLED ⇢
- plenoptics ⇢
- pleonasm
- plesiochronous digital hierarchy ⇢
- pliktexemplar
- PLM ⇢
- plocklista
- plonk
- plotter
- pls!
- plug and play
- plug-in ⇢
- plugfest
- plugspreading
- Plurk
- plusadress ⇢
- plusadressering
- plz
- PMA ⇢
- PnP ⇢
- PNR ⇢
- PoA ⇢
- poaching
- poachware
- PoC ⇢
- Pocket PC
- PocketChip
- pod
- podcast
- podd
- podd-tv ⇢
- podda
- poddradio ⇢
- poddslurpning
- PODi
- PoE ⇢
- Poes lag
- PoET ⇢
- PoF ⇢
- pogo pin
- pogo sticking
- point
- point and click ⇢
- point of failure
- point of presence
- point of sale
- point release
- point solution
- point-of-sale terminal
- Pointcast
- pointer ⇢
- poison pill
- PoisonTap
- PoK
- poke
- Pokémon Go
- Polaris
- Polese, Kim
- Polismetodutredningen
- polistrojan
- polisvirus ⇢
- Politwoops
- polling
- polyfon
- polyglott
- polyhierarki
- polymorf
- polymorfism
- polymorphism ⇢
- polynom
- polynomial ⇢
- polyphonic ⇢
- polyworking
- PON ⇢
- Pong
- Pono
- Pony Express
- ponzibedrägeri
- Poodle
- Poole, Christopher
- PoP ⇢
- pop-under window
- pop-up menu ⇢
- pop-up window ⇢
- POP3
- Popads ⇢
- Popcorn Time
- poppuppfönster
- poppuppmeny
- populate ⇢
- populera ⇢
- populering
- porch pirate
- porn block
- porn mode ⇢
- porn troll
- porrbot
- porrutpressning
- port
- port density ⇢
- port knocking
- porta
- portabel ⇢
- portabilitet
- portability ⇢
- Portable applications standards committee
- portable computer ⇢
- Portable network graphics
- portal
- portfölj
- portlet
- portrait
- porttäthet
- POS ⇢
- positionering
- positionsintegritet
- post
- Post Office Protocol 3 ⇢
- Post- och telestyrelsen
- post-PC
- post-roll
- post-truth
- postdigital
- postdigitalism
- postdiktion
- Postels lag
- PostgreSQL
- posting
- postmaster
- postmodemism
- PostNordbluffen
- PostScript
- postscript point
- PostSecret
- potenslag
- pott
- pound sign
- PoV ⇢
- Poverty hackathon
- PoW ⇢
- Power
- Power 2.0
- power law ⇢
- Power matters alliance
- power over ethernet
- Power paper
- power supply ⇢
- power surge ⇢
- power usage effectiveness
- power user
- PowerBook
- powerline ⇢
- Powerlocker ⇢
- PowerPC
- PowerPoint
- powerpointlessness
- Powerspy
- PoWiFi
- PPBA ⇢
- ppcoin ⇢
- PPD ⇢
- ppi
- PPML ⇢
- PPMT ⇢
- PPS ⇢
- pquota ⇢
- pr0n
- pracka-på-program
- practice ⇢
- praktik
- prank
- pranking4profit
- prankvertising
- pratminus ⇢
- pre and post mail tension
- pre-delegation testing
- pre-roll
- pre-shared key ⇢
- prebunking
- Precise Pangolin
- predication ⇢
- predictive frame
- predictive maintenance ⇢
- predikation
- prediktion
- prediktiv textinmatning
- preemption
- preemptive
- preemptive multitasking ⇢
- preflight
- preheader
- prekariat
- premium SMS
- Prescott
- presence ⇢
- presence service ⇢
- presentation
- presentation layer ⇢
- presentationslagret
- presenteeism
- presentitet
- preset
- president
- preso ⇢
- prestanda
- pretexting
- Pretty good phone privacy
- Pretty good privacy ⇢
- pretty-printing
- prima facie
- primär
- primärklicka
- primärminne
- primärnyckel
- primärserver
- primitive
- primtal
- Princh
- principal
- print res
- print-on-demand ⇢
- printed electronics ⇢
- printer ⇢
- printer intrusion ⇢
- printer quota
- PrintMe
- prior art ⇢
- prioritet
- prioritetskö
- Prism
- prisoner’s dilemma ⇢
- Prisonlocker
- privacy
- privacy by design ⇢
- Privacy International
- Privacy not included
- Privacy Pack
- Privacy shield
- privacy-enhancing technologies ⇢
- privat nyckel
- privat surfning
- privat toppdomän
- private browsing ⇢
- private equity ⇢
- privatkopiering
- privatkopieringsersättning
- PrivatOS ⇢
- privilege ⇢
- privilege elevation ⇢
- privilege escalation ⇢
- privilegium
- PRNG ⇢
- pro
- pro-am
- probe
- problemansvarig
- procedur
- proceduranrop
- procedurell
- procedurspråk
- procent
- process
- process control block ⇢
- process mining
- processbild
- processbyte
- processkontrollblock
- processor
- procurement card
- Prodigy
- product data management ⇢
- product information management ⇢
- product lifecycle management ⇢
- product scope ⇢
- produktdatahantering
- produktdefinition
- produktinformationshantering
- produktionslogistik
- produktionssättning
- produktlivscykelhantering
- profanity
- professional services automation
- profil
- profilering
- profiling ⇢
- program
- program flow ⇢
- programbehållare
- programfix ⇢
- programflöde
- programkod
- programladdningssystem
- programlicens ⇢
- programmatic
- programmering
- programmeringsgränssnitt
- programmeringsparadigm
- programmeringsspråk ⇢
- programming language ⇢
- programming socks
- programspråk
- programstyrd multikörning
- programsvit
- programtolk
- programutveckling
- programvara
- progress bar ⇢
- progressive ⇢
- Project Ara
- Project Aura ⇢
- Project Butter
- Project Campfire ⇢
- Project Chrome
- Project Dragonfly
- Project Fi
- Project Glass ⇢
- Project Gutenberg
- Project Jacquard
- Project Jigsaw ⇢
- Project Kuiper
- Project Loon ⇢
- Project Maelstrom
- Project Malmo
- Project Natal ⇢
- project scope ⇢
- Project Soli
- Project Spartan
- Project Sunroof
- Project Tango ⇢
- Project Titan
- Project Verona ⇢
- Project Zero
- ProjectLibre
- Projekt Moberg ⇢
- Projekt Runeberg
- projektering
- projektomfattning
- promiscuous mode ⇢
- prompt
- prompt engineering
- promptography
- pronomenresolution
- proof
- proof of concept ⇢
- proof of coverage
- proof of elapsed time ⇢
- proof of failure
- proof of work ⇢
- proof-of-authority ⇢
- proof-of-burn
- proof-of-stake ⇢
- propellerhead
- property ⇢
- Prophet
- propp ⇢
- proprietary
- prosument
- prosumer ⇢
- protestware
- protocol data unit
- protokoll
- Proton
- prova – pröva
- pröva ⇢
- provbänk
- provdrift
- provenance ⇢
- proveniens
- prover ⇢
- proverbial wallet
- provider
- provisionering
- provisioning ⇢
- proximity
- proxy
- Proxyham
- pruning ⇢
- PS/2
- PS2 ⇢
- PSD ⇢
- PSD 2
- pseudo top-level domain ⇢
- pseudoanglicism
- pseudoanonymitet
- pseudocode ⇢
- pseudoförkortning
- pseudokod
- pseudonym
- pseudonymisering
- pseudonymitet
- pseudorandom number ⇢
- pseudoslumptal
- pseudotoppdomän
- PSI-direktivet
- PSI-lagen
- Psion
- Psiphon
- PSK ⇢
- PSN ⇢
- pst
- psyche!
- psykografi
- PTS ⇢
- public automatic branch exchange ⇢
- public branch exchange ⇢
- public domain ⇢
- public exchange
- Public interest registry
- public key ⇢
- Public key infrastructure
- publik
- publik nyckel
- PubSubHubbub
- puddle phishing
- PUE ⇢
- PUF ⇢
- puffa
- PUK2
- PuL ⇢
- PuL-tvätta ⇢
- pull glass
- pull printing ⇢
- pull request ⇢
- pulserande strömförsörjning
- pulserande zombie
- pulsing zombie ⇢
- pulskodsmodulering
- Puma
- pundit
- punk
- punkonomics
- PunkSpider
- punkt
- Punkt SE ⇢
- punktmoln
- punkttäthet
- punktuppbyggd ⇢
- Punycode
- Puppy Linux
- Purdue enterprise reference architecture
- pure-play
- PureOS
- Puretone ⇢
- purging
- purple squirrel
- purpose-built backup appliance
- purse dial
- push
- push video-on-demand
- push-to-talk ⇢
- pushdown list ⇢
- pushmail
- pushteknik ⇢
- puter
- PVR ⇢
- pwn
- Pwn2Own
- Pwnie Awards
- Pyongyang Racer
- PyPI
- pyramidförsäljning
- pyramidspel
- PyText
- Python